New Love in Christ Church has a variety of ways for you to get involved with other believers and deepen your understanding of the Bible.
You can participate in any of our adults programs at your convenience as either a one-time visitor to see what each program is about, or a more regular participant. If you have any questions about our adult programs, give us a call @ 717.540.8439
We have adult Bible Fellowship groups available on Sundays.
We also have infant care available during Sunday Fellowship time, in case you're a new parent.
Wednesday mornings, as well as Wednesday family nights.
For a current list of studies, please call the church office.
Care Groups: Our Care Groups meet bi-weekly on Sunday evenings, usually in a member's home. If you're interested in joining or just want more information about a Care Group, let us know.
If you have a child in 2nd through 5th grade, perhaps he or she would enjoy participating in our Jr. SURGE Youth Ministry.
The name S.U.R.G.E. stands for:
♦ Students
♦ United to
♦ Reach others
♦ Grow in Christ, and
♦ Exalt the Lord our God
Jr. SURGE is a fun and engaging forum for your teenage child to grow in faith and meet new friends.
Join us for Jr. SURGE on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00 PM
during September through May. (includes Dinner!)
A typical Jr. SURGE evening is a combination of activities, games, snacks, worship, and group discussion--all centered on the Word of God. If you'd like to learn more about SURGE, call the church's office @ 717.540.8439, check out our events page, or visit SURGE's Facebook page. We hope to hear from you!
If you have a child in middle school or high school (6th - 12th grade), perhaps he or she would enjoy participating in our SURGE Youth Ministry.
The name S.U.R.G.E. stands for:
U.nited to
R.each others
G.row in Christ, and
E.xalt the Lord
A typical SURGE evening is a combination of activities, games, snacks, worship, and group discussion--all centered on the Word of God.
If you'd like to learn more about SURGE, call the church's office @ 717.540.8439, check out our events page, or visit SURGE's Facebook page.
Our God
SURGE is a fun and engaging forum for your teenage child to grow in faith and meet new friends.
Join us for SURGE on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00 PM!
Many people think it's important to introduce your children to a life of faith at an early age, and we couldn't agree more. If you're interested in giving your son or daughter opportunities to learn about Christ while also making friends within our church family, consider taking advantage of our children's ministry programs:
Kid Works - Sunday Bible Fellowship 9:15-10:15 AM
Kid Works - Worship Sunday 10:30 AM(age 4 - 5th grade)
Kid Works - Nursery 10:30-11:45 AM (infant - age 3)
Kid Works - Wednesdays 6:30-8:00 PM (age 4 - 5th grade)
Vacation Bible School-Each Summer (age 3 - 12)
English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. All classes are free. A great opportunity not only to learn English as a second language, but also open door to make friends, build relationships, and learn not only the culture of the USA but also cultures from other countries. We have students from China, Egypt, Morocco, Peru, Dominican Republic and Colombia. We have had students who passed their citizenship test. Another student passed her nurse’s aide certification exam. New students will be evaluated on reading, writing and listening skills in English to determine which class level they will be placed in. Classes meet every Thursday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm. (September through June). Contact the church office to learn more or sign up: 717.540.8439 or send an email.
We place a strong emphasis on missions. Our Annual Missions Conference provides information and inspiration from around the world by various missionaries. A week of fellowship with visiting missionaries who work to develop churches worldwide.
We still need missionaries—men and women who are willing to go into the hard places of the world with the message of Jesus Christ. His command to reach the whole world with the Gospel has never been withdrawn, nor has it been completed. Jesus said, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19)
There are special fellowship events with the missionaries during the week. The conference closes with a banquet in Fellowship Hall.